History of the Entire World (Ancient, Medieval, Modern)
The Spread of Human Civilization
World history is comprised of macrohistory – the study of human history across boundaries. World historians examine developments that go beyond single states, cultures, and regions, including movements (of peoples, cultures, commodities, diseases, and ideas), cross-cultural contact, and exchange known as cultural diffusion.
History of the Entire World (Ancient, Medieval, Modern)
The Spread of Human Civilization
Historic population and cropland data illustrate the relationship between the spread of human civilization and agriculture on Earth between 10,000 BCE and 2000 CE.
History of the Entire World (Ancient, Medieval, Modern)
History of the Entire World (Ancient, Medieval, Modern)
History of the Entire World (Ancient, Medieval, Modern)
History of the World attempts to tell the story of humans from Prehistoric times, through the Ancient Period, Middle Ages, and Modern History in a concise movie. It's meant for people who want to have a basic understanding of the major events of human history. Covering the basics in less than three hours.
History of the Entire World (Ancient, Medieval, Modern)
You will be studying thousands of years of history. Learning how to organize the information is essential. The acronym PERSIAN (Politics, Economics, Religion, Social, Intellect, Arts and Nature), used in Advance Placement World History, utilizes the Social Sciences which provides the framework for comparing and analyzing multiple cultur
You will be studying thousands of years of history. Learning how to organize the information is essential. The acronym PERSIAN (Politics, Economics, Religion, Social, Intellect, Arts and Nature), used in Advance Placement World History, utilizes the Social Sciences which provides the framework for comparing and analyzing multiple cultures. You will be able to observe between people groups what is the same, similar, different and absolutely unique. Patterns will emerge. One pattern that emerges, is that the few at the top subjugate the masses for their interest based on the "Rule of Law". This holds true for absolute rulers, democracies and all the way down to parents. This begs a very important question, "Do the few at the top, have your best interest at heart and is it measurable?"
All societies are based on the "Rule of Law". People want and demand order in their lives. The Egyptians divided the world into to schools of thought. "Maat" which was order and "Isfet" which was chaos. The larger the nation is, the more government will be needed. Laws, regulations and codes are implmented through a variety of agenci
All societies are based on the "Rule of Law". People want and demand order in their lives. The Egyptians divided the world into to schools of thought. "Maat" which was order and "Isfet" which was chaos. The larger the nation is, the more government will be needed. Laws, regulations and codes are implmented through a variety of agencies so the day-to-day comings and goings of any population are smooth and cohesive.
From the culture that used shells as a form of currency to the 21st Century digital currency, humans have interacted with each other by exchanging goods, services and information for something of equal value and exchangeable convenience. All of us are part of the economy of any nation which then finally trickles down to our personal fina
From the culture that used shells as a form of currency to the 21st Century digital currency, humans have interacted with each other by exchanging goods, services and information for something of equal value and exchangeable convenience. All of us are part of the economy of any nation which then finally trickles down to our personal finances, whether great or meager. Having a working knowledge of the economic framework will give a person a healthier perspective of how the financial game is played and who is benefitting from the "rules".
Religion is at the core of the human experience. It is the pathway that individuals take in order to make sense of our existence and what may happen after we cease to exist in this world. Within religion people create sacred places, objects, clothing, rituals and much more.
People live out their daily lives without giving much thought to why they do what they do. We adopt much of our habits from our parents and slowly over time choose from other people groups that which we integrate into our life.
For thousands of years children learned what was needed to survive and thrive from their parents and communities. Communities over time established more formal settings for children to study. As societies focused on more specialized skills, children were expected to spend more of their time in classrooms. In just the last half century,
For thousands of years children learned what was needed to survive and thrive from their parents and communities. Communities over time established more formal settings for children to study. As societies focused on more specialized skills, children were expected to spend more of their time in classrooms. In just the last half century, cognitive science has come to learn more about the diversity of learning and how it can occur in many different settings.
Humans have always expressed their experiences through a variety of avenues. From sketches on a cave wall to a sympony at The Royal Albert Hall. Modern technology has provided even more ways to enjoy and create works of entertainment.